Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

04. Juli 2023

Sacred Order - The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual Sacred Order - The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual

Internationale Tagung unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Judith Hahn, Professorin für Kirchenrecht

4. - 6. Juli 2023, Festsaal der Universität

Tagung Kirchenrecht
Tagung Kirchenrecht © Antje Kern
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Sacred Order - The Reliance of Ritual on Norms, the Emergence of Norms from Ritual

Internationale Tagung unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Judith Hahn, Professorin für Kirchenrecht

4. - 6. Juli 2023, Festsaal der Universität

In the tradition of Émile Durkheim, ritualization as the practice which sets apart our mundane reality from what we consider to be sacred is closely connected with the idea of religion. However, as ritual theories have shown over the past decades, ritual practices which create the sacred by differentiating it from the profane are not merely religious but relate to all kinds of social acts.

A close reading of this finding in the light of norm theory suggests that practices of differentiating between the sacred and the profane may in fact be at the core of norm creation. And yet, as this normative practice, ritualization is not merely a creation of order ex nihilo, but seems to be highly reliant on a normative fundament itself.

To elaborate the connection between normativity and ritual more profoundly, scholars from various
disciplines reflect on the question of whether and how rituals, as normative practices for identifying the sacred as "a counter-world that is part of the world" (C. Möllers, The Possibility of Norms, Oxford, OUP, 2020, 75), may be a factor underlying common phenomena which we study when we muse about norms. Uniting scholars with backgrounds in theology and religion, social studies and legal studies, the conference seeks to shed some light on how rituals depend on norms to connect with the sacred, and on how norms evolve from and remain connected with the sacred.

Tagungsprogramm (PDF)


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