Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

Aktuelle Meldungen
Comparative Law and Religion

New collaboration between the Chairs of Canon Law and Systematic Theology

Public Lecture

R Bobrowicz: “On Credonomy: How to Study the Normative Consequences of Beliefs”

4 June, 6:15 p.m. (Seminar R. 1, Rabinstr. 8)

New Article: Catholic Canon Law

in The Oxford Handbook of Christianity and Law, ed. John Witte, Jr. and Rafael Domingo

Video “Against Certainty”

Watch Christine Hayes’s lecture “Against Certainty” at the Conference "Sacred Order", 6 July 2023.

Opus Magnum-Förderung für Judith Hahn

Die Volkswagenstiftung unterstützt Judith Hahns Buchsprojekt Glocal Law.

Workshop und Oberseminar „Die Macht der Sprache“

30. November 2023, 17–21 Uhr, Konferenzraum (Hofgarten 8) oder Zoom

Interview with Journal of Global Catholicism

Mathew N. Schmalz in conversation with Judith Hahn on the role of canon law for global Catholicism.

Prof. em. DDr. Norbert Lüdecke erhält Herbert Haag Preis 2024

Die Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät gratuliert ihrem emeritierten Kollegen.

Video "Law, Magic and Performativity"

Watch Alexis Alvarez-Nakagawa's lecture "Law, Magic and Performativity" at the Conference "Sacred Order", 5 July 2023.

Video "The Theo-Politics of Ritual"

Watch Judith Gruber's lecture "The Theo-Politics of Ritual" at the Conference "Sacred Order", 6 July 2023.

Video "Nomos and Narrative"

Watch Ryszard Bobrowicz's lecture "Nomos and Narrative" at the Conference "Sacred Order", 5 July 2023.

Video "The Sacraments of the Law"

Watch Judith Hahn's lecture "The Sacraments of the Law" at the Conference "Sacred Order", 5 July 2023.

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