Universität Bonn

Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät

18. April 2023

Observations on the Intersection of Jacob of Serugh & the Qurʾān Vortrag von Dr. Philip Forness am 20.04.2023

The Circulation of Miaphysite Christology on the Eve of Islam: Observations on the Intersection of Jacob of Serugh and the Qurʾān

Dr. Philip Forness
Dr. Philip Forness © Philip Forness
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Vortrag "The Circulation of Miaphysite Christology on the Eve of Islam: Observations on the Intersection of Jacob of Serugh and the Qurʾān" von Philip Forness am 20. April 2023 ab 18.00 Uhr.

Die Veranstaltung findet im CTSI Bonn (Rabinstraße 8, Raum 03-139) statt.

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